' Competitive branding became a necessity of the machine age, within a context of manufactured sameness, image-based difference had to be manufactured along with the product' - Naomi Klein, No Logo'
Basically consumers had so much choice, therefore the distributors needed to create a personality for the product. An example of this in the music industry is Miley Cryus and Hannah Montana. This is a example of a very successful type of branding. They thought about there target audience whilst creating the brand and created a character that children would love.
How do Brands work?
'Brands work because they offer us a form of guarantee, a set of ready make values attached to a product that we too can adopt upon purchase' - www.mediaknowall.com
'Brands work because they turn a product into something unique and special, different to the rest - Branding allows a product to stand out from the crowd' - Naomi Klein, No Logo.
It is a clear fact that branding works, customers feel loyal to their brand, even when buying food, the customer would normally always buy the same brand as they know they will be receiving a good quality item. The same is for the music industry, the fans create a bond with the artist, and will always expect their music to be to their taste and will expect to see a good show when they go to their concerts. The music industry rely on branding to create that bond, this also rely on the brand to make the artist stand out and appear special.
We want to follow the idea of branding when creating our band, we want them to be different and make then appealing to the audience, without that special bond i feel the video would not be a success.
A sentence to describe our band
Upbeat energetic power-jazz.
Brand Logo
After much thought we decided to make our brand logo as simple and raw as possible. We toyed with the idea of creating a logo on the similar lines to the iconic Rolling Stones logo and came up the idea of having a a finger print but after much messing about with lots of drafts and re-dafts we came up with the final product.