This is the script that we made to read over the top of our project but unfortunatly we ran out of time and so we have just put the written script on the blog.
Media Studies Evaluation Script
--------When creating our music video one of the main concepts we had to think about was if we wanted to challenge or follow the conventions of a music video. We decided to follow the conventions in some ways; however there are certain parts of the music video when we have challenged them.
--------- Videos shown on MTV nowadays have large budgets and are filmed in studios; however our budget was far from what would usually be spend in a music video. Most of the video was filmed on location rather than in a studio, even though we do have a basic studio within the college and we did use this for certain parts of the music video.
--------- In tradition Indie-Rock music videos the artist/band are generally filmed on location. The typical locations for these are generally at live gigs or gritty, industrial locations as they want to appeal to working class people.
------- We decided to follow the general look of an indie artist, this being jeans and leather jackets. This clothing is used to give a sense of realism in there music videos, and make them appear like a normal person.
----- One convention of indie music videos that we did not follow is the use of instruments. Bands tend to use instruments to show off there talent to there fans, and it is very common for the guitarist to have a solo part within the song, when they show off for a few seconds, a example of this is Slash from Guns and Roses –Sweet Child of Mine.
------- Nick Lacey offers the theory that every type of media offers something similar but different to keep the viewer entertained which I think applies to our music video. The location and clothing is very typical of the genre of music but there isn’t a band, which isn’t conventional for that type of music.
------- Andrew Goodwins theory states the lyrics match the music video and this applies to our music video. The song is about being depressed and caught up in a ‘checkmate’ and I feel that Kristina portrays that successfully.
------ Maslows Hierarchy of needs theory also applies to our music video. It offers the audience Safety needs, the audience will feel better and more secure because the video they are watching somebody suffering in a grim lonely environment.
---- Oasis ‘little by little’ music video has a very gritty northern appeal similar to our music video. Noel Gallagher is sat in a grim doorway with low-key lighting to make him look grittier, which follows the traditional conventions. He is also wearing a parker jacket and jeans, which also further follows the conventions. There is a colour change in music video, the video changes to black and white which is also very common of an indie music video; however it still shows up the colour red to show the colours of poppies (Flower) and the bus shelter. There are also some very industrial gritty streets which is typical of the indie music genre.
------- The location of our music video is very gritty with lots of graffiti, as it is an old power station the fits the theme of industrial and working class. There is a long shot in the video that shows the background of the power station. It is very rural and northern. However in our music video there are no musical instruments being played so that goes against the typical conventions of the indie genre. There are some good close ups of Kristina on green screen, she looks very evil and malevolent, she would creep out the audience which fits the lyrics (Goodwin) but is very rarely seen in indie music videos. I also feel that the tracking shot of the lead singer walking down the stairs is very good. The light reflecting from his face gives a sense of chiaroscuro lighting and a film noir effect.
--- A music video that inspired us while creating ours was Professor Green – I need you tonight. We was really drawn to the idea of having the background ripped away by the artist, even though we was unsure how it would turn out we wanted to have a good at this ourselves. Even though we finally managed to do it, it took us quite a while we didn’t really have a lot of this in the music video, and we both feel if we had enough time then we would of done more of this. When we got our feedback most of the people asked did like this idea and felt there should have been more of it.